Floating Dentures Are a Thing of the Past

Floating Dentures in Dunn, NC | Implant-Supported Dentures

When you get a brand-new set of conventional dentures, everything seems great. The dentures were molded to sit perfectly on your gums so they fit snugly and securely. They’ve given you your smile and some biting power back. Life is good! But, over time, the repeated removal of your dentures and the gradual loss of jawbone structure can cause your once-snug dentures to become loose and ill-fitting. They move around while you eat or speak and occasionally come loose in an embarrassing mishap. We call this condition “floating dentures.”

Many folks like you with traditional dentures experience this situation. It’s frustrating and, frankly, the opposite of what you had in mind when you first considered dentures. At J. Michael Williams, DDS, we’ve heard these stories countless times and understand your irritation. But there’s a solution that can pin down your floating dentures and give you the security and peace of mind you’re looking for: denture stabilization using dental implants.

The Floating Denture Dilemma

Floating dentures occur when traditional dentures lose their snug fit and start moving in the mouth.

While conventional dentures do replace your teeth, they don’t replace the roots of missing teeth. Without these roots, the jawbone doesn’t receive the stimulation it needs to stay healthy and strong. This lack of stimulus leads to changes in the shape of your jaw and gum ridge. Ultimately, these changes cause your dentures to loosen, and the prosthetic starts to “float.”

Some people choose to “grin and bear it” until they have the time or inclination to get their dentures relined, a process that improves the dentures’ fit—temporarily.

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However, floating dentures can become more than just a nuisance. If ignored for long enough, they can begin to cause oral health and lifestyle issues.

What Problems Can Floating Dentures Cause?

Floating Dentures in Dunn, NC | Implant-Supported DenturesFloating dentures can cause a myriad of issues, such as:

  • Blisters and sores: Moving dentures constantly grinding into the interior of your mouth can create mouth sores that cause discomfort and sensitivity.
  • Gum irritation: Similarly, having your dentures rub up against the gums all day causes irritation that can lead to infection or even increase the risk of oral cancer.
  • Increased risk of infection: Poorly fitting dentures create spaces where food particles and microorganisms can accumulate, increasing the likelihood of developing a bacterial infection.
  • Limited diet: Biting and chewing is more challenging if your false teeth don’t fit properly. With floating dentures, you’ll likely need to avoid some of your favorite foods and eat a more limited diet. This can ultimately impact your nutrition and quality of life.
  • Headaches and earaches: Denture issues can cause tension and strain that may lead to pain in your head and ears.

The Dental Implant Solution

Ill-fitting dentures can cause many problems, but dental implants can help. These sturdy titanium posts hold your dentures firmly in place. Dr. Williams places these implants directly into your jawbone, providing a stable foundation for your dentures. Instead of your prosthetic simply resting on your gums, it’s anchored down, ending the issue of floating dentures.

At our practice, we offer a variety of implant dentures to meet our patients’ unique needs and preferences. If your existing dentures are in good condition, Dr. Williams may be able to turn them into snap-on dentures that connect to the implants but are removable. Alternatively, we provide roundhouse bridges that offer exceptional stability, durability, and aesthetic appeal. We offer semi-removable and permanent roundhouse bridges that are more convenient, secure, and long-lasting than other denture options.

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While we can use conventional dental implants to retain dentures, we also offer mini dental implants for patients who don’t have adequate bone volume or density for traditional implant solutions. We can place these slimmer, sleeker implants more efficiently and with a minimally invasive technique. As a result, dentures supported by mini implants are a more affordable option. For patients looking for quick, effective, and cost-effective results without surgery, mini implant dentures are a great choice.

Let’s Talk Finances

At J. Michael Williams, DDS, we understand that everyone’s financial situation is different. That’s why we offer a variety of financing options to make advanced dental implant dentures accessible to all our patients.

By partnering with multiple third-party lending companies, we can leverage the best interest rates. Additionally, some introductory offers include zero-interest financing, making your dental expenses more manageable. Navigating these waters can sometimes feel intimidating, but our experienced team is equipped and ready to help you understand all available options.

Replace Your Floating Dentures Today!

If you’re tired of dealing with floating dentures and are ready for a change, we’re here to help. Dr. Williams and his dedicated team have assisted many patients like you with denture stabilization. With our expertise, you can finally have that comfortable, natural-looking smile you deserve.

Don’t let floating dentures keep you from enjoying your life. Discover the transformative impact of implant dentures by scheduling a free implant consultation with us today.

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